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  • December 2006
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  • Archives
    DEC 2007 - JAN 2008
    DEC 2006 - NOV 2007
    OCT 2005 - JUN 2006

    Hello there! The SA1's are around the corner, and everyone is striving to do their best. Today, in 3 hours, I will be having my A Maths Coordinate Geometry test.

    And I have not revised, so I'm accessing the lead portal (suck-lah portal) and doing some last minute revisions. The portal really stinks, the stupid answers are wrong, and everyone dies trying to answer the questions only to find out that it cannot be worked out to be any of the multiple choice answers. Lol.

    The past few days, I've been slacking off my ass - sleeping! (yes I sleep face down - or maybe not) As most of you know, I have been under some severe high fever for three days, and have fluctuating fever ever since. It's low in the morning, and high after noon.

    It sucks, the headache that comes with it is nothing but a bonus. Yes, a bonus! (Yeah right, damn it!)

    I'll go study, as I have to put priority planning/organising into action.
    So see you after saturday-school!


    Yay, I'm starting to get lazierrr!
    Woke up at 0830. But went back to sleep.
    :O Only woke up at 1130.

    Lol, I had this really cool dream, but I've been unable to recall my dreams since I had my first one. =.=

    Uhm, so there was some Speech Day event held at school.
    Started at 1530, pretty punctual so we didn't have to wait for the sky to rain nuts.
    Anywayy, it was quite alright. The worst part of the event was when Jason went up the stage to receive the best in Design and Technology award, when I actually pictured myself receiving the award :(
    Jason clinched the first place, when I fell back to second placing. Shawn's third, I think.
    It was pretty close, must have been one of the D&T papers which I didn't really do well in. IT WAS JUST THAT ONE. Then I began to realise, if one would to score well, one has to start from the beginning, and do well.

    Inspirational, huh? ._.

    Oh well. Then Gerard went to get Nelson, Jon, Prasad, Weisheng, Jasper and I some food after the whole event. Yeah, Mr Ng told us that he hadn't have enough budget to let the student audience to eat, too. Only the award winners could go up. Bah. Speaking of Gerard, who won the Robotics prize (whatever award that was), I realised that I was nothing of an asset to the school robotics team. And this brings me back to my primary school's robotics club.
    Sometimes I wonder, maybe I should be doing better things. Something I can genuinely benefit from. So I'm now considering to join Guitar Ensemble. Even though I'm keen on the CCA, there are limited spaces. :(
    Yes, that means I have to WAIT. But for how long? Half a year? A year? Two years?!

    Secondary school sucks. It just plain sucks.


    Woopie! :)
    It's Frrrridaayyyy!

    Two more days of rest and slack.
    But it's time to pull up the socks and hit the gear, for the SA1 exams are nearing and around the corner. Here's some weekend planning before I go on about the past week :D

    Things to get done by TODAY :

    1. Physics revision
    2. Biology revision
    3. GunZ level 52? :D
    4. Completion of English homework
    5. Collect the long-forgotten EDUSAVE form from Mr Chan (BEEN 4 DAYS LOL)

    Things to finish by SATURDAY :

    1. Room packing
    2. Revision for chinese
    3. Revision for mathematics
    4. Completion of any other homework (if discovered)
    5. Purchase TYS and VE (values education) workbook

    Things to finish by SUNDAY :

    1. Recap on revised topics
    2. Revision for mathematics
    3. Be prepared to face the music for test results

    Now, time to express my past week! :D
    Hmm, I can't really recall the week, so I'll just blog on the events occuring today.

    Well, was a little late for school, since my family has been down with some flu and cough (infection and fever, maybe?)
    We had quite a few tests this week, and the screw ups include everything but social studies and chemistry.

    Next week, there will be physics (postponed for the sake of the band members) and chemistry test.
    Speaking of our school's band, it is quite an achievement for our school. GOLD! Since 6 years, we've been getting nothing but silver. Jason's happy gold face emoticon seems to have work wonders :)

    Had chinese test today. It was neither difficult nor easy, but I have a feeling that I can pass.
    The only part that disappointed me was the time when I recalled about A-Math test, which was taken yesterday, and the BIGGEST screw-up in life. I forgot how to do the questions, and just sat there, staring blankly into the paper and then looking up to the ceiling to watch the fans spin. 100% fail. Estimated result : 25% of maximum marks.

    Okay, pretty slack today. Right after A-Math Paper revision, there was our chinese test, followed by values education, pretty slack. Recess went by after taking 3 dollars off my wallet, and we had english. BORING LESSON. Everyone was dozing off during our trainee teacher, Ms Victoria's lesson, even though our english teacher (Mr Pang) was sitting behind invidulating the class.

    Next was BIOLOGY! :D We went though plant nutrition and then onto the different ways and processes for the photosynthesizing in plants. Before we knew it, the bell sounded and all of us were hurriedly packing our bags and then headed for the school's front gate.

    I got a drink and, together with my friends, headed for the nearby school playground to do some "workouts". It was pretty retarded, and we introduced the different methods of utilising the equipments in the area. Several minutes later, Jonathan came along (AKA Susan - Don't ask me why, LOL) and Darius, Gerard, Santosh and I went up to his house after a quite a bit of crapping. We played PS2 Winning Eleven (soccer game), then wrestling. I lost to Darius 6-0, trying to familiarise myself with the controls and game play. Only got half of a rematch only when I got the hang of the game and started both offensively and defensively well.

    That's all for the day. Mr Chan also introduced "Love, Me" by Collin Raye. The song is pretty cool, and good in both aspects of rhythm and sense.

    Do check that out! :)


    HEY YO.
    I have GOOD stuff!
    PERFECT mugger music, it's JUST perfect!

    This week, I present to you, FREESTYLER by BompunkMC.
    Song is highly addictive, and I'd classify it under partial techno-remix.
    It's not any boring old rap which you can get tired of after countless plays.
    This one is just too significant, and it's been played 50 times over on my iTunes player :DD

    You can download the song here (uploaded by Me) : http://files.filefront.com//;7255432;/.

    Lyrics to FREESTYLER (there's a pinch of vulgarities) : -

    Rock the microphone
    Straight from the top of my dome

    Rock the microphone
    Carry on with the freestyler

    I gotz to hmmm
    To throw on and go on
    You know I gotz to flow on
    Selectors on ya radio play us
    Cause we're friendly for ozone
    But that's not all so hold on, tight
    As I rock the mic right
    Oh, excuse me, pardon
    As I synkronize with the analyzed upcomin' vibes
    The session, let there be a lesson
    Question, you carry protection
    Or will your heart go on
    Like Celine Dion
    Karma Chameleon

    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone

    Styles, steelos
    We bring many kilos
    So you could pick yours
    From the various
    Ambitious, nutricious, delicious, delirious or vicious
    Just tell us
    We deliver anything from a capellas
    To best sellers, suckers get jealous
    But their soft like marshmellows
    You know they can't handle us
    Like Debbie does Dallas
    Yeah, we come scandalous
    So who tha fuck is Alice
    Is she from Buckingham Palace?

    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone

    Rock the microphone
    Straight from the top of my dome

    Rock the microphone
    Carry on with the freestyler

    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone
    Yeah, straight from the top of my dome
    As I rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the, rock the microphone


    Just rocks, doesn't it?



    Sup joo :D

    Went out to shift some furniture back home. :O
    Spent the whole morning, and a good portion of the afternoon, packing furniture, transporting them, and carrying them all the way up back home.
    Basically, this furniture is from my dad's colleague. They're shifting, so we took along with us :
    1. A fish pond. Quite big and heavy.
    2. Some toys, namely : - Remote controlled car,
    3. Remote controlled bike (2WD OMGKEWL!)
    4. Pair of rollerblades
    5. Some wood-like structure

    The woody structure was supposed to act as a shade for the back garden (or back-yard/balcony) but it was too big to fit into the lift, SO LOL THROW. Waste time breaking it, packing it and transporting it. Meh :(

    Shortly after arriving home, and in what seems like no time at all, I'm at the computer, wasting my time playing online games again :)

    Hopeless Hansel.


    I'm back.

    Now with, even more due homework, project works and yes, you've guessed it! - failures :O

    6 Stations for NAPFA. OMGZ.
    Shuttle Run - 5
    Sit ups - 5
    S.B.Jump - 3 (nearly 4 lah, damn)
    Sit and reach - 2 (OMG? 35cm)
    Pull ups - 0 (ph4il) zZz. arms too strain can :(
    2.4km run - 2

    Oh well.

    New project. Massive scale!
    Racial harmony proj.! :O
    My group is working on an indian culture theme.

    And there's 5-6 tests next week.
    One mock test tomorrow.

    Only E-maths test is over, and I got 15/20 (OMG?!) which is quite a disappointment for me :(
    6 more tests :

    OKAY. Time to start hardcore mugging.
    Wishing you all the best for your mid-year exams! :)


    Hey, all! :)
    After a good day's rest and even more rest in the afternoon, I finally woke up with the intention of getting something done by today.

    So first thing on the list, would be the homework.
    Who doesn't want to get them done? It's the hassle that eventually gets us to avoid the homework.
    And then I would have to revise for the upcomin' tests.
    Chinese, English, Social Studies, History, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Add. Math, E. Math!
    AND there's NAPFA 5 stations next week, or rather 6 stations, with the new pull up station, exclusively for kids 15 and above :(

    Well I didn't get the above done, obviously.
    I pushed all of it to today.

    What was done yesterday was mainly to :
    1. Get my new DIY metal bunk bed up, which wasn't accomplished. The damn holes were 1mm apart, as in there was an error in the measurements so the screws don't fit. And because of that 1mm error, Dad and I had to abolish the construction of my new room for another day :(
    2. Cupboards. Well, more of wardrobes that are pretty flimsy, but it would take the place of the old wardrobes, and this one looks better, and is easier to clean. More practical. Yay. The problem is the screwing again. Measurement error, so thing's cannot be completed. End result : A really flimsy wardrobe and construction to be postponed to a later date, after contacting IKEA for new parts (let's hope they won't be as bad as the first batch).
    3. Cherie's bedroom! This is the only success we've had for the day. Bring up the double-deck bed and shift in the many little cupboards into the room, so now, it's like a study area! :D At last! Some place where I can study constructively.

    Yeah, that's all.
    Another day gone by, and IMO wasted on sleep.

    OH YES, to Tinaes, sorry I forgot to include you in my blog, will do so after the next gym training we have together!

    Off to do homework, laters~


    Just arrived home :)
    Hehe, went out with a couple of teachers and a class of friends today to the serangoon lan (uh where you pay and use computers) shop, plaza singapura to dine and play @ the arcade, and vivocity to catch our movie and have our dinner at bk :)

    Here's the events in chronological order : -
    [0920] Met at LAN (w/ Mr Chan). Played dota, cs, battlefield, gunz, audition, friendstah.
    [1420] Left LAN shop after several exciting matches (although I didn't play much with Mr Chan and friends, but rather with some friends of Jeremy's) for Dhoby Ghaut station to meet up with Class Group 2 (who will go for arcade instead of movie) and teachers.
    [1440] Arrival at KFC to meet with some classmates and our chemistry teacher [Ms Au].
    [1540] Just leaving KFC lol..
    [1600] Got the tickets for the movie and the food for the movie (The Number 23) - Lol I took in a Zinger burger and whipped potato [also when Ms Teo and her boyfriend showed up :P]
    [1800] End of movie, then met up with Group 2 and went to sky terrace of Vivo!
    [1830] Took a few snapshots and group photos, and then Ms Teo went off with her boyfriend, and we sent Ms Au back shortly after.
    [1900] Walking round Vivo city, a couple of kilometres before deciding on where to eat dinner.
    [1930] Got down at BK and ordered food OMG AT LAST!
    [2030] Yes Dinner was THAT long. Set off to Plaza Singapura arcade! :D
    [2100] Arrival at Dhoby Ghaut (pretty exhausted already, then) and made our way to the arcade..
    [2135] Went over to X Zone arcade. Play play play. Woo!
    [2210] Left for home. We all went our separate ways, some to MRT NSL and some to NEL.
    [2230] Arrival at home :D so tired =.="!

    Yup, that's the schedule.
    I didn't take photos, cuz I'm not a camwhore xP
    But my friends did (yeah yeah we all know what I'm implying xD) and I'll put them up soon.
    But of course, if they turn up bad, Hansel's going to have to apply censorship! :P
    OKAY. I'm so tired.




    Worked out at school gym today.
    Realised it was bigger than I had imagined.

    2.4km jog timing - 12:45 (sucks - totally, like I lost to girls? OMG NO WAII?!!)
    walked for a total of 20.15348321 secondsss.
    OMG, could have got my C =(
    JUST by 4 seconds. nooo.
    So nao I'm gonna retake, aiming for at least C, or B if possible ^^

    Was kinda fun.

    Followed by mass protein intake.

    And the cycle continues.

    Yay, going out tomorrow with Ms Teo, Ms Au, Ms Victoria AND Mr Chan.
    How wonderful (:

    LAN. Movies. Bowling?

    Going to play LAN at *I don't know where* (DOTA, DUH!)
    Movies @ Vivo :D The Reaping. Meh! Teh HoRRoR!~
    Bowling at *I don't know where, too*

    ROFL. KKLOL I'mma decide on what tuh wear.


    Hey all :D
    I've got nothing to post because I can't remember anything =.=

    Anyone could share some sites that can search up and listen to various songs?

    Thanks a bunch ^^


    Ahh! Help, I'm turning EMO!

    Yeah. Primary School is catching up with me.
    I miss my primary school mates, but my experience in St Michael's isn't that deep, everyone had better friends, since they were together for 6 years in the same school.

    Me? Different story. Totally. I spent P1-P3 in De La Salle, having a fun time playing catching, running around the canteen and patronising the MeeRuBus and fishball store. Everyday spend money on items in the bookshop, and buying yakult for the freebies, as well as buying FAKE, LOL FAKE, pokemon cards with Brandon and Sean from the nearby mamashop. Those were memorable. But anyone from DLSS hardly remembers me now, except a handful. Oh well, I'll just take it as my life is damned.

    Spent some time looking and searching up some primary school mates.
    Found some girls, but different level de, all so chio one x_X
    Wish I remained in DLSS :( I didn't want to leave but I was forced to, boohoo!

    What a regret.
    Anyway, up to page 42 of the search engine, where I searched up De La Salle, I found Brandon Ang and Brandon Goh's profiles :D
    Two good friends whom I am able to remember, hope they would remember me as well.

    Brandon Ang is a good runner, and Brandon Goh is a hardcore crapper. :O
    Found my own profile at page 36, LOL.

    I have to let this out :
    I'm thinking of someone :(
    And it's hurting me so terribly.

    Okay I'm going to torture myself with homework now.
    Something that I can unwind in after indulging in 97354856 DotA games.

    Be posting the game of the 3E1 DotA game :D together with Mr Chan! Haha!
    Maybe later on today after I catch up with some sleep. xP

    Why can't I breathe
    Whenever I think about you
    Why can't I speak
    Whenever I talk about you